Friday, August 25, 2017

freshly picked giveaway

Freshly Picked holds a special place in my heart. Jules, Kourt, and Jacks' first pair of shoes were FP. Kourt came home for the hospital wearing hers. The girls took their first steps in them (those tiny footprints on the bottom will always bring a smile to my face). I can't wait to watch Jacks hit all his milestones while wearing his. You all know I'm a sentimental schmuck, so I obviously stored their first pairs safely in memory boxes. I'm excited to have teamed up with Freshly Picked to giveaway $250 to FP + $250 to Target. Just click here to enter!


here are some of my favorites

g o o d  l u c k !

Thursday, August 24, 2017

mini back to school style

Fun Fact, I went to private Catholic school & an all girls high school. Yup, I wore a plaid school uniform from 1st-12th grade. I never really hated it but definitely missed it once I went off to college and had to put together outfits everyday. So I'm living vicariously through Jules and having the absolute best time picking out school clothes for her. We live in Southern California and have great sunny weather all year long so we can get away with cute dresses and skirts, Jules' favorites. I've stick to cute layering pieces that we can get lots of use of once it cools down. Love that we are able to throw on some tights and a sweater to keep warm and still look cute! 
polka dot skirt / gold shoes / jacket / ruffle top / Adidas / socks / sweater / headband / overalls /  leggings / dress / backpack

m o r e  b a c k  t o  s c h o o l  p i c k s 



Friday, August 18, 2017

Jackson Jett / two month update

g r o w t h 
weight: 13lbs 2oz (+6lbs since birth)
length: 24in 
clothing size: 3 months
diaper size: 2

e a t i n g 
He is still nursing like a champ, every 3 ours during the day and doing 4-5 hour stretches at night. Since month one we have discovered that he has an allergy to dairy. I first noticed it the day after I had frozen yogurt. He was extremely fussy, didn't sleep the whole night and was screaming his head off right before each poop. I just knew something wasn't right especially once his poop turned green, then we found blood in one of his diaper changes. His doctor confirmed it once we described all his symptoms. She let us know that green poop and/or blood is a sign of allergy and wanted me to eliminate all dairy and soy to see if there were any improvements. It has been three weeks now since I changed my diet and we are finally seeing a huge difference in Jacks. Just after a few days his poops were back to normal, he was having a few fussy moments here and there but he is pretty much back to his normal happy self. I'm not going to lie, giving up dairy was not easy at first. It's literally in everything. But I've been adjusting well and would do anything for my little boyfriend. Remember all that milk I told you I had saved up? Well, we can no longer use it since I had pumped it when I had dairy in my system. I'm hoping to donate it to someone that needs it instead of throwing all that liquid gold away. If you have any recommendations I'd love the link below. I haven't pumped since we started eliminating dairy. The doctor told me it would take about a month for it to all be out of my system so Ive put it on hold until then.

s l e e p 
He is still a great sleeper. I found that wrapping all my babies early on helps them associate that with bedtime. I have never had any issues with any of them getting their days and nights mixed up. Jacks is 9 weeks now and with the help of our nightly routine he is already on his own schedule. He starts fussing to get wrapped around 7:30 every night. The second he is wrapped he is so happy, nurses and is out for the next 4 hours. He wakes up around midnight then again around 5am. He's the best and is spoiling the heck out of me at night. Daytime we have a little bit of an issue. I have noticed that he likes to fight his sleep, and is only happy when he is in my arms. whoops.

f i r s t s 
Jacks has been making us swoon with all those smiles. He smiles the most with mommy and even gave me his very first coo.

He's blessed with three great grandmas and got to meet all of them this month. Theres something special about seeing your grandma with your babies. Here he is meeting both of mine...

First story with daddy.

First sports gear

f u n . f a c t s 
He was born with a head full of super dark hair that turned light brown then it all fell. He's now bald, so so bald.

He smiles and talked to mommy first. He smiles here and there for others but seeing him give me the good smiles makes me so happy.

s i b l i n g s
Not much has changed here. The girls LOVE him. My favorite thing to hear is when they refer to him as "my baby". They just love this guy and can't get enough of him. Jules is already planning her wedding to him. She insists that she is going to marry her baby brother. They are going to have McDonalds for dinner, candies, she's wearing a purple dress and I am going to carry him at the alter because he is still a baby. I think it is the cutest thing ever and won't be correcting her anytime soon.

p a r e n t i n g
I'm officially out of zombie mode. YAY! I am not going to lie, it's hectic. There are kids screaming and laughing and crying all day long. It's overwhelming sometimes when all the babies are sad and crying but I  wouldn't have it any other way. My mom took the girls a few weekends ago and Jason and I were so unbelievably bored and it was way too quiet. We missed the crazy. I'm going to enjoy it all now and look forward to when they get a little older and can all play together because this parenting thing goes way too fast. I hate to think about this but I'm going to be so sad when this house  really is quiet and all these kids are gone. What they heck will Jason and I do with ourselves? ha

o n e . m o n t h . p h o t o . d u m p

my growing, jackson jett

Saturday, August 12, 2017

baby essentials / month 1

Jacks is 9 weeks now and I still can't he is two months old. We have fallen into a nice routine and things are going as smooth as they possibly can with a newborn. As we head into month two I wanted to share a few of the items we could not have survived month one without.

kimono tops / These are my go to for newborns. My babies are always in just a diaper and one of these. I love that they are perfect for skin to skin time, which is so important in those first few days when you're waiting for your milk to come in. They are so convenient! You can literally just un button an get that baby on your chest all without hating to fully undress your baby. I love the colors from this Carters set but also really love these from June + January.

Dockatot / I'm sure you've read about how much we love this item countless times but it really is the best. We co-sleep with our babies, so having a safe space for them on our bed makes sleeping a little easier on all of us. We first got the deluxe when we were having trouble transitioning Jules into her own bed. She slept in our bed with her dock for about 2 weeks, then we moved the dock into her bed and it worked. She slept that first night, in her own room, the whole night. Kourtney was 2 months when we got hers and she slept for 7 hours that first night. Was it a coincidence? Maybe. But she loved her dock and slept in the grand until she turned 1. Jackson loves his too. I use it at bedtime only so he associates it with sleep. He's like clockwork, fussy at 7:30, nurses, gets wrapped and placed in his dock. The second he lays in here he's out. $10 coupon here.

bedtime swaddle / All my kids loved being swaddled. I make sure to wrap them at the hospital so they get used to that tight cozy feeling. Once I'm home from the hospital I like getting a bedtime routine going because it really helps get them into a sleep pattern. I try not to swaddle them in the velcro wraps during the day & use them only at bedtime so they associate the wrap with night time. Jackson is 2 months now and picked up on this very early on. He fusses at night to get swaddled and sleeps 4-5 hour stretches once he's all wrapped up. Swaddling has been a lifesaver for me and is what has helped my kids sleep great at night. I have used the Halo swaddle on all my kids are really really love it. But I got the Ollie swaddle for Jacks and he really enjoys this one plus diaper changes are super easy in these. 10 % off coupon for the Ollie swaddle here.

daytime swaddle / You can call me a blanket hoarder. I have these swaddles in every room in my house, the car, the stroller, we all love using them, especially the girls. Thse Aden + Anais are some of my favorites. I love the prints and the larger size they offer because they are so convenient and can be used for so many things. They are perfect for throwing over the stroller or carseat. I also like using them as a nursing cover because of how airy they are.

pacifiers / Make sure you have a couple of options for baby. I really love Natursutten for all the health benefits (read more here) and desprately wanted Jacks to take it but he hated them just like Kourt did. I ended up trying another style and he hated that too. We finally ended up with the Phillips Avent just like we did with Kourt. I think the shape of the nipple on these work very well with breastfed babies & highly recommend them.

car seat / We decided to go straight for the convertible carseat for Jacks and I love it! I hardly ever took the infant carseat out of my car because I found it easier to baby wear our use the bassinet attachment on our stroller. I am only 5" so I always had a hard time reaching over to pull it out plus they were always ridiculously heavy for me. We ended up going with the Clek Foonf for all of the safety features and the smaller width which made it easy to fit three of these across my back seat. The height and weight maximums also played a very large part in our selection. With the Infant-thingy insert's weight minimum at 5lbs and the 65lb forward facing max weight it was a no brainer. I can't recommend this carseat enough, I really love it. I'll have a blog post with lots of details about these soon, they're that good!

mamaRoo / another baby item that all three of my babies absolutely loved. Jules actually needed lots of soothing to go to sleep so we used this the first couple of weeks at night. I like how it can easily moved into different rooms without hassle. Jacks likes to sit with the girls in the living room while they watch cartoons & I move it into the kitchen when doing dishes or cooking dinner.

boppy / a definite must have. Not only is it super convenient for nursing but we use ours most with the girls. It's fits perfectly around them so they can easily carry their brother.

diapers / We have been using Parasol since Kourtney was a baby. I splurge on them because I love them and the wipes so much. You can read more about them here.

tub / We used this for our kids. I tried an actual tub once and hated it, it was bulky, it hurt my back from bending over and it was a hassle to store away. The puj is perfect for our super small bathroom sink but what I love about it most is how easily it stores. It is so compact and opens up flat that I am able to hang it on the hook behind our bathroom door.

breastmilk storage / I just discovered these this third time around and don't know how I did it before. They replace the bottles and easily attach directly to your pump which makes storing so easy. You literally pump milk directly into the bags, take them off and store them in the freezer. One less thing to wash, because who likes washing all those pump parts?

como tomo bottles / I highly recommend these. After many, many,  bottles these were the only ones Kourtney took. I didn't even bother buying Jacks different ones to try, I stuck to Como tomo and he loves them. They are great for transitioning breastfed babies to a bottle plus they're made rom hygienic silicone, free of BPA and other toxic chemicals.

m o r e  e s s e n t i a l s 

Friday, August 11, 2017

maternity photos / Jackson Jett

Finally getting around to sharing my maternity pictures. My girl, Lauren Pollard Photography, spent the day with us and captured some very special moments between my girls and I before our little guy arrived. I will cherish these forever. 

m a t e r n i t y  d r e s s  i d e a s :

If you're in the Los Angeles, OC, San Diego area and need a photographer email her at Lauren Pollard Photography at gmail dot com. Trust me, she's the best and you'll love her. Lucky you she is offering my readers 10% one session, just mention a little j +k.