Monday, June 5, 2017

little babes summer style

suits above c/o Olivia and ocean

Summer is right around the corner and these girls are so ready for long beach days. We are guilty of living in Southern California and never have taken the girls to the beach here. We took Jules to Hawaii when she was two but that doesn't count because she doesn't remember.  We did take family photos on the beach once. Jules could not focus because she was too busy rolling in the sand. She cried when we left that day and hasn't let me forget that I promised to take her back. I am determined to step up my fun mommy game and take them to every beach around and spending hours there letting them splash in the water and roll like crazies in the sand, heck, I'll even get crazy and let Kourtney get her way and eat some sand. Here are some of my favorite coordinating suits. 

p i n  m e :
leopard and rainbow here / Mint one piece here

s h o p  b e l o w :

suits by June & January

Thursday, June 1, 2017

jackson Jett | 37 week update

organic watercolor cactus blanket here
It honestly seems like I just did one of these but nope, it's been a month since my 33 week update. Time is just zooming on by yet going so so so slow. I think that's what happens when you're 37 weeks. I still feel like I can do it all but when I do I'm paying for it the next day. I have been on a major cleaning spree these last two weeks. I've re organized the girls room, cleaned out the garage, got the backyard summer ready, and literally follow the girls every step making sure they aren't leaving a mess because heaven forbid there be a sign of anyone living in my house. Keeping up with them has me exhausted by the end of the day and all I want to do is lay down and do absolutely nothing when Jason gets home. I'll tell ya, the man is a freaking saint! He is honestly the best and helps me even though he probably thinks I'm insane. He does the dishes and bath time, all while I'm in bed watching tv. I'm totally soaking in these last few days I have left of being pregnant and getting spoiled. Speaking of days, I've got sixteen days left to be exact. I actually had my doctors appt this past Tuesday and the dr said she could feel the baby's head, I'm about 2cm dilated and my cervix was super soft. She jokingly said she hoped I would meet her there today since she would be on duty in L&D. I was desperately hoping that was the case but I don't think Jackson got the memo since we've only got a few hours left in the day. I'm so anxious to meet him but at the same time I'm doing all the fun things with the girls before our lives change forever. Our "girls days" won't happen as often as they do now, Target trips as three will soon be a thing of the past and our easy going days where we can quickly get up and leave at a moments notice won't be happening for a while. Knowing all of that is soon coming to a halt for a bit has me feeling that "mom guilt" I thought I wouldn't get with my third baby. I'm not too nervous for Jules because she understands and is super excited about her baby but I'm feeling like I've officially ruined my sweet little 1 1/2  year olds little life. My poor, stage five clinger, baby has no idea what is coming. She loves babies though so I can't wait to see her with our guy. 

how far along: 37 weeks and 5 days

weight gain: 23lbs

sleep: literally had the worlds best sleep last night. I fell asleep in one position and woke up in that same exact position, plus only had to get up to pee twice. ahhhhmazing!

food cravings: I would say baked goods. Weird but I could have a slice of fresh strawberry pie every day if I could. Also baked some oatmeal cookies last night. d r o o l .  

movement:  He is still super gentle but definitely moving so much more. He sometimes gets into the weirdest positions and stays that way no matter how hard I try to move him. 

what I'm most excited about: Watching my girls meet their brother for the first time. Jules told me that she dreams of her baby every night and that he is the cutest little baby ever with black hair. Best big sister already.

most nervous about: Giving birth. I always start to freakout around them time even though Im pretty tough and so focused when the time comes. 

names: Jackson Jett 

classes/prep: I have been having real contractions the past week and they get stronger each day. I actually thought I was starting labor on Saturday because  they were consistent and super stronger than they had been. They lasted for about five hours until went away. 

what I'm wearing:

What I can't live without:

Do you have any tips on how to start labor naturally? I'd love to hear them below. 

m a t e r n i t y  p h o t o  i d e a s  :