Friday, November 16, 2018

kids holiday gift guide

Thanksgiving who? I was trying to hold off as long as possible to bust out all our holiday decor but these gift guides have got me in major Christmas mode. Decking the halls this weekend and bringing Christmas out before thanksgiving, sorry. I sat down with Julianne and Kourtney and helped them write out their Christmas lists, heres what they are asking for...

Jules is still all about unicorns and rainbows and is really loving music these days. She asked for unicorn shoes so when I found these vans I had to grab them. She's like every other kid and is obsessed with l.o.l dolls so that was a must. She also really enjoys writing letters to all her school friends so I ordered her some cute unicorn stationary and had to get a small caboodle to store all her cute paper and pens in. She has never had a bike before, I know what kind of mom am I? ha She actually has been wanting one for the longest time but we've just never pulled the plug. I was determined to find her a cute one and I can't wait to see her little face Christmas morning. She's going to flip out just like I did when I found it! And how adorable is that heart helmet!? It wouldn't be Christmas morning without a baby doll. These new animator babies from the Disney store are too adorable.


Girl moms know that you always buy two of everything or else you'll never hear the end of it! haha I went with similar items for Kourt. Jules got a caboodle for her birthday filled with makeup so I'm doing the same for her. I found that mini one at Target and I'm going to fill it with those cute little unicorn lipglosses. She's also getting a bike just like her big sister, some l.o.l's and this princess  Belle baby. Kourt is purse obsessed and was so jealous when Jules got her rainbow purse for her birthday so I got her a unicorn one. The new Minnie Mouse, Mini Melissa's are a must for our Disney trips! We just got the bigger version of this Pottery Barn kitchen and all three of my kids love it! I highly recommend it, it would look so cute set up for Christmas morning. They also just came out with a copper line of appliances that are to die for.

Jackson is all boy! Give him a steering wheel and he is happy. He actually turns his cars over and sits there and spins the tires. Needless to say he loves cars. Jason has that chevy truck and I'm thinking Jacks needs it. He fights over the girls mini pink ukulele so he's finally getting his own. Chasing his sisters as he growls is a constant game he plays so I'm thinking he is going to love that dino. I'm most excited about that little couch. He loves climbing on the big couch and lays back on the pillows with his hand behind his head. It's the cutest thing ever.



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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

winter favorites for the littles

Who else is obsessed with this time of the year just for all the cute outfits? Guilty! I love layering and all the cute little boots and the sweaters and the hats, love it all. Here's a little look at the things I've already bought for my kiddos. They were supposed to be Christmas gifts but I've already pulled a few  things for them to wear, like those rainbow hats. love!

s h o p



Friday, November 2, 2018

six year old birthday gift guide

It was so bittersweet to hear Jules' birthday list this year. She asked for things I didn't think she was into like makeup and Adidas, like what? Who is she? She also requested Paris inspired clothes. She is obviously still into rainbows, unicorns and a l.o.l's so I had to grab some fun pieces. She is also getting into music. She has grown up hearing her daddy play his guitars since she came home from the hospital so the second she asked him for a guitar he jumped on it. She seriously made him so proud. She of course wanted this pink one. We got her a few things to go with it like the unicorn headphones, this teeny tiny mini amp and of course, some unicorn picks. She had been eying that caboodle from target for a while now so I grabbed it and filled it with all sorts of fun things, like this unicorn lipgloss, some unicorn gum, l.o.l lipgloss, a sleep mask, and some pretty jewelry from Poppy Lane and co. We also got her this moped that she had to have because she needs to be fancy like, Fancy Nancy. She swears the show was made after her. Needless to say, she is the worlds most spoiled six year old little girl. She loved all her gifts. My favorite part had to have been when she opened her box of clothes and screamed "these are my Paris clothes!". Gosh, I just love my fancy girl!

My best advice is to go to Claire's to find things to fill the caboodle with! I swore I would never let my kids shop there but they love it and some of the things are actually kinda cute. Plus they always have buy three get three free which is awesome when you're trying to fill a pretty large container like this one. Heres what I filled that cute caboodle with: