Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Big sister hospital gifts

When I was pregnant with Kourtney I desperately wanted to make the transition super smooth for Julianne because I swore I was ruining her little 2 year old life. I had come across big sister gifts online and in true me fashion I ran with it. I may have gone a little over the top with excessive gifts and donuts to sing happy birthday to Kourtney with but it is something that Jules has always remembered. She looks back at our photo books and tells Kourt all about the day she was born and how she sang happy birthday to her. She also still has a few of the gifts like the unicorn backpack, she loves that thing and always tells everyone that her baby sister bought it for her. 

I am trying my best to make baby Jacksons arrival just as special and memorable for both girls. Jules has already started to guess what the baby might bring her and Kourt. I again, may have gone a little over the top but I can't help myself. A bag full of dollar spot items to keep them busy in the hospital room would have totally worked but I wanted to fill their gifts with memorable gifts that they can save and cherish.

1. When Fawn Design came out with their mini bags I knew I needed to have them just for this very thing. I mean how freaking cute are they? Jules is going to looooove it! They are all about being mini mommies right now so to have matching bags just like mommy has for Jackson is going to be so fun. Plus, I find any reason to twin with my girls. 

2. Bows, a girl can never have too many. Clearly baby brother already knows that and picked out some of the cutest from La Belle Baby,  for his sisters. And again, twinning bows of course.

3. My girls love to read and are into all the baby books right now, so it was only fitting I add a few big sister books to their loot. I tried my best to find age appropriate books that each girl could understand and relate to. I got this one for Kourtney (1 yr old) and this for Jules (4 yrs old).

4. One of my favorite items are their custom Made by Mary bracelets. OMG they are the cutest, tiniest, things I've ever seen.  I went with this listing in rose gold and had "big sister" engraved in the arial font. I selected the 5.5 inch child size which seems perfect for both of them. The quality of their items are amazing. I have a few necklaces, one of which I never take off. I am able to shower with it and have never had any issues. I love that the girls will get to save these forever and maybe one day pass theirs on to their first daughters when they become big sisters, & now enter all the hormonal mommy tears.

5. A big sister gift wouldn't be complete without a big sister tee! These Boco Baby outfits are so stinking cute. Can't wait to get pictures of the girls and baby boy with these on.

6. You all know I love, Hooray Everyday! When I saw their Iris woolie ball necklace I knew they had to have one. It screams "I have a new baby brother".

7. A kids gift wouldn't be complete without some chocolate! What makes this chocolate 100x better is that they are personalized m&m's. Yup, a bit over the top and I total splurged on these but look at how perfect they came out! My girls are going to freak out when they see their picture on these! I ordered mine here. Shipping was quick, quality is great and they are soooo yummy, yes I tried them. Ha prego problems. I love how I was able to pick my own picture plus the color possibilities are endless.

I am in love and can't wait to surprise the girls with their special gifts from baby brother. Oh, and we will for sure be doing the birthday donuts for Jackson because my girls are birthday obsessed just like mommy is, plus look at how cute...

Okay baby Jacks, hurry! We can't wait to sing happy birthday to you, cuddle you, smother you,  obsess over you.... hmmm maybe you should enjoy your alone time for a bit longer, I will totally understand. 

m o r e  i d e a s : 

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends! It's an understatement to say that I am excited about this weekend. My husband has three days off which means I have big plans to relax at home and do absolutely nothing. Who am I kidding, I have garage clean up on my mind. I will be 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I am just now totally feeling it. All I want to do is take naps and keep my feet up but I have been cleaning my house non stop. I organized the fridge, rearranged my cabinets and haven't stopped dusting every crevice of my house. I make sure to go to bed with everything in its place just incase, it's time. I've got the bags packed, the girls big sister gifts from Jackson made and lists and lists made for my mom when she comes over to watch the girls while I'm at the hospital. 

First up on my Friday favorites is Fawn Design. We recently got the brown bag for Jackson, aka me! I love it and knew I needed some matching ones for the girls when they released their new mini collection. So baby Jack's bougt his sisters mini blush bags that he will have waiting for them at the hospital. I'm so excited about it and will have a post dedicated to all the things that I'm putting into them soon.

Why didn't anyone warn me that shopping for a boy would be so much fun? There are so many cute things that he just has to have. I really loved these for Kourtney and recently realized they had matching bottoms, so I got them all. I also just discovered the Gap Factory tab on the Gap website. Where have I been? Love this and this, oh and these are so cute! Baby boys romper collection is getting pretty huge. I think they will be perfect for those hot summer California days. Here are some of my favorites, I also clearly have a thing for b+w. Click to shop.

We recently revamped the girls shared room, see more here. I have been looking for some cute throw blankets to add to their beds and fell in love with Kip & Co. If you've never heard of them you're going to fall in love with all the cuteness. It's no secret the girls love strawberries, so when I found this berrylicious blanket I knew they had to have it. Just look at those pom poms, I was sold! I also snagged one of their swan play mats. The girls love this thing, It's so comfy and perfect for park dates and camping out in the living room.

Now for some mommy love. I recently got these for mothers day, thanks hubby! They're so comfy and I really love the color. This pouch is my current favorite, It's great for on the go when you're running out the door solo without kids. Loving this runner, can't wait to get it on my entry table. And if I could revamp my entire dining room these are the chairs I would be getting. gahhh, so pretty right?

I've slowly started to declutter my kitchen and trying keep it simple and clean. It's so dark in there so pulling bright whites and colors like these marbled napkins has really made a huge difference. These  jars from target are my favorite. I have them in different heights on my counter.

Hope you enjoyed my little round up. Have the best holiday weekend and get your shopping on!

julianneisims // second edition

I love this little 4 year old of mine. She is starting to pronounce her words much better these days, which is bittersweet. I want to remember all the silly things and funny words she says because they are just so cute. She has me laughing all day, with the things she says. Here are a few of my favorites!

in a  VERY busy public bathroom
jules: woah, mommy you did a big poop.
me: I didn't poop silly, I just went pee.
jules: ewwww mommmy you did a big stinky pee.

daddy: Jules, do you want to go to the Angel game?
jules: I don't want to watch the game, just eat hotten candy.

to make Kourtney laugh she rubs her head on her belly and says, "what you thinking about".

me: Jules say "cheese".
jules: no, not cheese say "target".

me: Jules why are you so cute?
jules: be, betause I yuv you.

me: (singing) I'm dreaming of a white Christmas....
jules: well, mommy I'm dreaming of a peppa pig Christmas!

jules : mommy, when we go places everyone says they love my red hair, right?
me: yes baby, eeeeveryone loves it.
jules : What do they say about your brown hair?
me: nothing.
jules: well mommy, I really love your brown hair.

jules: mommy, where is my daddy?
me: he had to work today baby.
jules: (starts crying) well, I'm just so mad at my daddy! I wanted him to stay home and tuddle me!

me: what are you going to ask Santa for?
jules: for a jeep and a peppa pig toy because I have been really good and I think he will get me two things. And I think he's only bringing Tourtey one thing because she's bad.
me: awe... well, I think your sister will get two things too because she's trying to be good. Remember we need to teach her to to be good because she's a baby.
jules: but mommy she's just really really bad. She's only getting one toy!

me: Jules what would you ever do without your sister?
jules: umm. I would play with all my shopkins and play doh!

dance teacher: do you ladies want the fish or heart stickers?
jules: in dead silence she yells, "the SHIT!" She can't pronounce her f's. I promise we worked real hard on those f's when we left.

jules : mommy I had a dream about baby brother and he had black hair and was suuuuuuuper cute!
me : awe you're so sweet! We are going to have to wait and see what color hair baby Jesus decided to give our baby. It might be red.
jules: well, I want him to have black hair so you and daddy can have a baby thats the same as you.

You're welcome!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Baby must have Monday

I have been collecting so many cute baby boy things, so get ready because I must share them with you. One of my friends on Instagram put together a little diaper changing basket for her living room, genius right? I'll share my version on the blog soon. But in her's were the cutest little changing pads from Gathre. They make portable leather mats in all sizes from baby changing pad size to large all purpose mats, perfect for park and beach dates. I love their recent collection with Rylee + Cru and picked the changing pad in Starlight Micro and the larger size in the Grid Maxi. I was sure to pick up a few extra changing pads to throw in diaper bags and to keep in my car. So convenient and so cute all at the same time.

We all know I am new to this whole baby boy thing, so finding cute one stop shops has been super helpful. I recently came across The Baby Cubby and I fell in love all. They have made shopping for baby super easy by gathering the best products and putting them all in one place. They literally have it all from strollers, baby clothing, baby accessories, to the trendiest diaper bags. I really loved the cute and hip baby boy selection they have available. I was able to come across lots of brands I never heard of that were my style. I did a little shopping and noticed that I picked a little bit of everything. Here were my favorite picks...

Bison swaddle, hat, bow tie, button-down shirt, and yes, another Gathre mat, told you I loved them!

I've mentioned L'oved baby a few times here on the blog and you will soon see Jackson, in their pj's all the time on Instagram. All their items are 100% organic cotton and cute! My must haves are their footed overalls and their wrap shirt. Those wrap shirts on a newborn, gahhhhh!

How adorable are these onesies by The Wishing Elephant? My friend, Carolyn, is known for her letter cardigans that you have probably seen the girls wearing on my Instagram. She also hand makes super cute eco felt baby costumes and funny baby onesies, like this BBQ shirt and the most adorable Top Gun suit. I've got my eye on her numbered monthly onesie set that is currently sold out. Must have that. If you're a sucker for anything personalized and witty baby onesies you'll love her shop! So excited to get my little guy in all his goodies.

One of the sweetest shops ever and I mean ever is Stella and Lu. Whit and Jess, have the best eye for cute fabric prints that they turn into the softest, fluffiest, blankets. When they found out I was pregnant they got in contact with me and we worked on some custom prints just for my little guy, told you the sweetest! How adorable did they turn out? That grey plus print just amazing and my girls are constantly pulling it out of their brothers crib to cuddle with!

Have you guys ever heard of a Moses basket? I don't know where I have been the past five years of having babies but they are totally new to me. I came across Plum + Sparrow,  online and thought it they were the cutest, smartest things ever. I love the convenience of getting to keep an eye on your baby no matter which room your in and how easily you can transport them into every room. This is pretty much going make my life so much easier with three kiddos. Imagine all the dishes I can wash, or the showers I can take all while keeping close eye on my little boyfriend.

Okay now let's talk a little about one of the baby items I am most excited about, The Owlet Smart Sock 2! It is crazy how technology has changed in the four short years Jules was born and how I did not have one of these for Kourtney is beyond me. We as mommies know that we don't much sleep when we bring home a newborn. Between changing diapers, feedings and of course running up to check to see if the new babe is breathing okay, sleep is pretty much non existent. I am always so paranoid when it comes to babies and it gets the best of me. Jules was a nicu baby so this would have totally eased my mind and Kourtney was always a wild sleeper. I'm looking forward to using this on the new guy and getting some peace of mind knowing his wellbeing while sleeping plus some much needed sleep between those feedings won't be so bad. 

This thing is genius, here is how it works: You simply place the sock on the baby's right or left foot, making sure the sensor band is wrapped around the outside of the foot and notch is below the pinky toe and you’re set! You are now able to track your babies heart rate or oxygen levels right on your phone. The phone app connects directly to the base station and displays live heart rate and oxygen levels from anywhere. The base station then collects the Smart Sock data from up to 100 feet away. If the baby's levels fall outside the preset zones the Owlet is designed to notify you using light and sound. Amazing right? The little guy will be here in a few weeks. Ahh! I will be sure to come back and do a full review on how we are loving the peace of mind and extra sleep! You can get your very own here.

m o r e  b a b y  b o y  f a v o r i t e s :

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