Monday, October 15, 2018

Easy DIY wind-up doll costumes with Mini Boden

Halloween is hands down our favorite holiday! Jules and I are probably the most obsessed and tend to over do it with halloween costumes because we come up with one too many ideas. 
As much as we love halloween and dressing up we also love to diy and try and to save some money along the way by buying items we can use all year round and using things we already have in our closets. You don't have to spend a ton of money on store bought costumes to have something special and unique!

We worked with Mini Boden to bring you an easy DIY costume that can double as a cute outfit any other day. When I came across the girls dresses I fell in love and knew I needed to incorporate them somehow. Then I saw those sweet bunny shoes and the doll costume just fell into place. All I needed was some cute makeup and a super sparkly wind up key!

what you need for the doll costume:
*Best part about this costume is you can grab some cute items you already own*
- sweet dress
- knee high / lace socks
- Maryjanes
- doll inspired makeup
- wind up key

Here is what I did for the key:

1. s u p p l i e s 
- toilet paper or paper towel rolls
- scissors
- glue dots or hot glue gun
- coordinating ribbon
- glitter paper 

2. c u t  g l i t t e r  p a p e r 
- measure the glitter paper around the roll and cut.

3. g l u e / c o v e r  r o l l s 
- add glue dots on all four sides of the glitter paper and cover the rolls. 
This was easier and less messy for me to use glue dots but you can use a glue gun if you prefer. 

4. a d d  r  i b b o n  b e l t 
- slit each side of the rolls with scissors or an x-acto knife, slide ribbon into them and make a knot. This is going to be the belt that wraps around your childs waist, so be sure to measure them before cutting the ribbon. 

5. c u t + a d d   k e y 
- I drew the key four times, cut them out and glued them together. Be sure to make the key as long as your toilet paper roll. I just added a few glue dots to the end and stuck it into the roll. 

& done! super easy and costs less than $8! 

s h o p   t h e i r   l o o k :

bunny mary janes / vintage pink dress /polka dot dress / socks

p i n  m e :

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