Thursday, May 26, 2016

headband organization

If you have been following me on Instagram, then you know I have been making headbands for the past 3 years over at alittlejandk. Im headband, bow, flower crown, turban obsessed mommy. I'm sure all you girl moms can relate. It all started when I found out I was having Julianne. I never realized that they were so much fun, they've got all the cute dresses, shoes, and all things sparkly. I was hooked, so I started making my own sparkly goodies and supported other mommy handmade shops along the way. I bought and made and bought and made and before I knew it her bow collection grew out of control. 

One of the questions I get asked most is "How do you organize your girls' headbands"? The truth is, Im a little ocd when it comes to organizing, I just love it! I find that organizing their headbands is extremely helpful when it comes to coordinating outfits! I personally like to organize them by style. I have all the thin headbands in one place, turbans in another, and so on. I also like to have them displayed around their room, I mean you're paying all this money for adorable bows, might as well display all those beauties!

This is handwoven tapesrty is my favorite display in their room. It's a cute way to see all of Jules' clip and piggie sets. She is always wearing these bows because of how easy it is to just grab one when we are running out the door. 

tapesrty by // I love you sign diy by me

I recently hacked this Ikea shelf & of course I spray painted it gold to make it more "us". I was super excited about adding this to their room because I was able to display more girly items, like their favorite books, frames of their first pictures together & of course their bows. I found the glass scalloped candy jar from target I love it so much, I ordered two more to add to their room. I have that one filled with all their thin nylon headbands. Those are the ones Koko usually wears and my favorite because both girls are able to share. On the top shelf I added a gold bowl from Ikea. I have all their Bloomies handmade flower crowns in there. Jules calls those her princess crowns. You'll see my girls wearing those a lot. 


We keep all of our a little j + k turbans in their closets. I designed these Ikea closets with a glass top and a jewelry drawer purpousely for them. Koko's collection needs some work but Jules' collection is amazing and of course organizing them by color makes it so much prettier.

I wasn't kidding when I said I had a headband obsession. ha. I hope this inspires you to display all those fun, colorful, pretties instead of shoving them away into a drawer. If you love bows just as much as I do then keep an eye out on our Instagram. I am in the process of organizing a giveaway with all my favorite bow shops.