Monday, May 23, 2016

a little j+k

I'm Karissa; wife to Jason and
mommy to Julianne + Kourtney (+ our fur baby Keiko).
See a theme? Yup, we are that family, ha.

Welcome to a little j+k.

I met my husband when I was 17 at a halloween party and boy was it love at first sight! Our love grew strong quickly and I knew early on that this was the man I was going to marry. I was engaged at 21, married at 22 and we selfishly enjoyed married life alone for the next three years.

During that time I graduated from the University of La Verne with a degree in Art + Design. I left my childcare job of 7 years to pursue my love of decorating and cake design. I enjoyed working at a bakery designing and sculpting unique cakes but knew it was time to move on when we decided to start a family. 

We welcomed our little baby Julianne (Jules) into our family on November 1, 2012. My life was forever changed and I instantly fell in love with my curly redhead. I enjoyed being a stay at home mom, spending every day with her and loved all that one on one time. Those years spent together, just the two of us, will always have a special place in my heart. 

I have always loved being creative, it's the artist in me, so it wasn't long until the creative bug hit and so came the start of our bow shop, Baby Jules Boutique. Jules was only 4 months old when we started this fun adventure together. She was my little baby model and we had the best time sharing our love for bows with others. We were so blessed to have such an amazing following from the start and loyal customers that loved what I created. The best part was that along the way we met some amazing people through social media who have become real life friends. 

We were soon expecting our second baby and hoped and prayed we would have another girl with red hair. And on September 19, 2015, we welcomed our redhead, our Koko monkey, Kourtney Jay. She was the missing piece to our family we never even knew was missing. 

Here we are 8 months later and I'm enjoying every single day with my girls. I never knew my heart could love this much. Seeing my girls love each other and watching them grow as sisters is something so indescribable. I don't want to miss a single thing and have devoted my time to making these girls' days full of memories that they will never forget. 

This blog and shop name change is long overdue. It's something that I have been wanting to start since I was pregnant with Kourtney, when I realized that "Baby Jules" no longer fit us. I mean, how could I leave my poor Koko out? We will continue to make bows here and there, when I get some free time. But for now I will continue to document my mommy journey; my love for design, diy, birthdays and holidays; my obsession with twinning my girls; and all my adventures with my j+k babes. 


  1. Karissa, you have such a beautiful story! Your family is absolutely darling, I'm looking forward to following your journey here!

  2. Love! Can't wait to follow along :)
