Who knew baby boys would be so fun to shop for?! All the little man clothes make me so happy, plus getting this guy mini versions of what his daddy loves is the absolute best. And as far as toys, we've pretty much had to start fresh because most of the baby toys Jules and Kourt had were donated so Jacks was left with literally nothing. But it's safe to say I've had so much fun shopping for him! I tried my best to get things that I know he will get great use out of, as far as developmental toys go. He is just starting to sit up and play with things we put in front of him so getting him some interactive toys was also a must. And we loved all of the Baby Einstein products the girls had so we went straight for those this time around. He has just started sitting up on his own and now enjoys all of the activities on the Baby Einstein table. The Neptune jumper just might be my favorite, it teaches babies their numbers and colors in three different languages. Jules and Kourtney love it and walk around saying their numbers in French. He is at such a fun age and really loves looking at things that light up so he's going to really enjoy these toys. At six months now, he finally got his first tooth and with all the drooling and eating everything in sight going on over here, I just knew I had to get this teether on Amazon. Isn't it just the funniest thing?! The hockey book was a must from daddy because he is a crazy hockey fan. And since babies grow at a crazy fast pace Jackson's always in need of shoes and clothes so I got him a cute pair of baby Nike's and all the comfy baby clothes by Childhoods Clothing -he lives in their pieces! Also couldn't pass up some daddy and me matching hats, duh.
s h o p b e l o w :
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